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Investing in the neighborhood together

The Broad-Germantown-Erie Collaborative (BGEC) and SHIFT Capital entered into a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) to ensure that the economic development and employment opportunities generated by the Residences at the Beury project benefit community residents and minimize potential harm to the community. Meet the team.

Highlights of the Community Benefits Agreement

SHIFT and BGEC created the Community Benefits Agreement that prioritizes community, communication and commitment towards the North Broad Street neighbors. The CBA sets goals for jobs for the local community and neighborhood safety.

Jobs for the local community (targets)



Minimum number of hours of construction work performed by its construction employees (including both new hires and people previously employed by the construction employer) in each job classification are worked by near-neighborhood residents


Minimum number of hours of construction work performed by its construction employees (including both new hires and people previously employed by the construction employer) in each job classification are worked by Philadelphia residents


Minimum number of hours of construction work performed by its construction employees (including both new hires and people previously employed by the construction employer) in each job classification are worked by minority workers


Minimum percentage of MBE subcontractors performing construction work, calculated as the dollar value of MBE contracts relative to all subcontracts


Minimum percentage of WBE subcontractors performing construction work, calculated as the dollar value of MBE contracts relative to all subcontracts


Minimum number of hours of permanent work performed by permanent employees of permanent employers (including both new hires and people previously employed by the permanent employer) in each job classification are worked by neighborhood residents or near-neighborhood residents


SHIFT Capital’s contribution towards a fund to support job training and apprenticeship initiatives for Neighborhood Residents


(Over 10-year period) SHIFT Capital’s contribution for safety, beautification, and maintenance around the project site


Safety & Security

SHIFT Capital agrees to:

  • Keep the area around the project clean of all debris and litter

  • Provide in-kind or monetary support for up to four neighborhood cleanups per year

  • Install and maintain exterior lighting and security cameras at the project